Four More Years! Four More Years!

With this being an election year this title seemed appropriate. Truth is we want many more than four more years on the road! As we roll into Flaming Gorge National Recreation Area for our summer 2016 volunteer assignment we celebrate our fourth anniversary as fulltime RVers. We left our sticks and bricks home in Charlotte, NC on May 17, 2012. Since then we have travelled 120,000 miles and stayed in over 110 campgrounds. On the Google Earth picture below Yellow = year 1, Red = year 2, Black = year 3 and Green= year 4. We continue to be amazed by the beauty of our country and our neighbor to the north, Canada. Hidden gems we never knew existed surprise us. Roadside humor finds us smiling and often laughing out loud. We love our carefree vagabond life!

travel, RV, full time, USA

Four Years On The Road

We decided to celebrate two days early as the weather for the 16th was predicting rain. When we were in the Grand Junction, CO area in 2010 with our first RV (before being full time) we “discovered” a beautiful spot called Rabbit Valley in the Mc Innis Canyon National Conservation Area. An eight mile dirt road leads to a turn off for Salt Creek Overlook. You are greeted by a splendid view and a picnic table. We have been planning a return ever since armed with a loaf of bread, cheese and wine. We pictured a calm sunset. Funny how what you plan and what happens isn’t always the same. We arrived to find a wind of 20-25 mph blowing. Even the bread was getting blown off the plate. As I went to drink from my glass of wine the wind caused a tsunami in my glass! Wine blew all over my face and shirt. No smiling wine drinking picture this time! All we could do is laugh. The up side of coming in the Spring was that the valley was full of wildflowers: orange globe mallow, white fleabane and thistle, pink mariposa lilies, blue and yellow flowers yet to be identified and three types of cactus in bloom. As sunset approached the wind calmed and we took a walk to the point overlooking a horseshoe bend in the Colorado River. A great day after all.

Colorado, wildflowers, McInnis Canyon

Rabbit Valley in Bloom

Salt Creek Overlook

Salt Creek Overlook






















Wildflowers Of Mc Innis canyon

Wildflowers Of Mc Innis canyon












Opal Enjoyed The View Too

Opal Enjoyed The View Too












Photo Of a Photographer

Photo Of a Photographer

Wildflowers Around A Stump

Wildflowers Around A Stump

Cactus In Bloom

Cactus In Bloom

































A Great Day!

A Great Day!