Out And About Red Rock Lakes NWR

Centennial Valley Panorama

Centennial Valley Panorama

What would it be like after two years of being on the move to “settle down” for two months? That’s what we wondered. Would we get itchy feet and want to move on or fall in love with the area and wish we could stay? We’d been in the general area before and knew we liked it. The verdict is in and we love it here! Yes, we are a long way from stores and other activities. What keeps us active and interested? Here’s a sampling of being out and about at Red Rock Lakes NWR.

Centennial Valley At Sunset

Centennial Valley At Sunset

On A Refuge Road

On A Refuge Road












Centennial Valley

North Valley Scene


Hiking In The Sandhills Of The North Valley

Hiking In The Sandhills Of The North Valley











We work four days a week but the evenings are long here and sunset isn’t until after 9pm. This gives us time to have dinner and then go fishing, go for a drive or take a bike ride. We’ve had good luck at being out when wildlife is on the move. Even when we don’t spot anything the scenery is amazing. Then there are new wildflowers replacing the early bloomers. Having visited several refuges for a few hours or even a day we now see how different it is when you can observe over a longer period. The Upper and Lower Red Rock Lakes are scenic but Widgeon Pond is one of our favorite spots. Sometimes we drive beyond the refuge borders which offer great scenery too of ranches or the Continental Divide.

Lower Red Rock Lake Is A Birder's Dream

Lower Red Rock Lake Is A Birder’s Dream

Upper Red Rock Lake and Campground Is Very Popular

Upper Red Rock Lake and Campground Is Very Popular











View From Widgeon Pond

View From Widgeon Pond

A Nearby Montana Barn

A Nearby Montana Barn

The Continental Divide Runs Along The Centennial Mountains

The Continental Divide Runs Along The Centennial Mountains












A Scottish Highland Bull At A Local Ranch

A Scottish Highland Bull At A Local Ranch

We have both had a chance to observe and assist with refuge projects such as tracking Arctic Grayling fry or monitoring mountain bluebird boxes. This has given us some fantastic photographic opportunities.

Naked As A Mountain Bluebird (5 days old)

Naked As A Mountain Bluebird (5 days old)

A Tree Swallow Sets Up Housekeeping In A Bluebird Box

A Tree Swallow Sets Up Housekeeping In A Bluebird Box













Arctic Grayling

Assisting With The Arctic Grayling Project On Elk Springs Creek

A Female Wilson's Phalarope On Elk Springs Creek

A Female Wilson’s Phalarope On Elk Springs Creek








An American Avocet

An American Avocet

Here are some of our recent wildlife encounters. Unfortunately the trumpeter swans are keeping the young cygnets well out of range for our lenses.

A Photogenic Beaver At Widgeon Pond

A Photogenic Beaver At Widgeon Pond

Sandhill Cranes In The Tall Grass

Sandhill Cranes In The Tall Grass

















A Pair Of Curlews At Lower  Red Rock Lake

A Pair Of Curlews At Lower Red Rock Lake

A Mother Coot And Her Red Headed Offspring

A Mother Coot And Her Red Headed Offspring


















A Mule Deer

A Mule Deer

Pronghorn Are Plentiful In The Valley

Pronghorn Are Plentiful In The Valley

Meeting A Moose Family

Meeting A Moose Family

Oh yes, there are new wildflowers popping out every week.

Pincushion Buckwheat In The North Valley

Pincushion Buckwheat In The North Valley

Stonecrop Is A Type Of Sedum

Stonecrop Is A Type Of Sedum












Elk Thistle

Elk Thistle













Green Gentian aka Monument Plant

Green Gentian aka Monument Plant












We thought we’d have time to include some history and other stories in this post but it is getting too long so we’ll end now with this beautiful sunset. Don’t miss this hidden gem.












sunset, Red Rock Lakes NWR, Montana

Sunset On Elk Lake Road















Celebrating The Solstice

When you are almost 50 miles from a town you find your own fun. On June 21st, the longest day of the year, the sun in southwestern Montana wouldn’t set until 9:18 Mountain Time. That was perfect for a relaxing dinner with Marilyn, one of the other volunteers at Red Rock Lakes NWR and an after dinner walk. We chose the Sparrow Lake Trail because it was nearby and none of us had been down that way before. The walk was about 3 miles but we took our time, enjoying the bird songs, wildflowers and scenery. Just standing still and listening to the sounds or at times the lack of sound was wonderful. Thanks Marilyn for sharing your photos of us.

Red Rock Lakes NWR, Montana, sunset,

Us At Sparrow Pond

Willow Trees At Sunset

Willow Trees At Sunset


Marilyn, another volunteer at RRL

Marilyn, another volunteer at RRL

Sparrow Pond Trail

Sunset At Sparrow Pond Trail










Two Elk Near Sparrow Pond

Two Elk Near Sparrow Pond

Odell Creek With Cloud Reflections

Odell Creek With Cloud Reflections











Wildflowers of Southwestern Montana

A Sea Of Shooting Stars

A Sea Of Shooting Stars

I’m in heaven with all of the beautiful wildflowers blooming at Red Rock Lakes NWR and nearby Gallatin and Targhee National Forests. This past winter Montana received 120% of the average snowfall providing much needed moisture for wildflowers. They have responded with fabulous displays. Even the weeds are beautiful! 

Since arriving here in early June we’ve seen twenty different types. Most are new to us and identifying them has required research through five wildflower books and an iPad app called Yellowstone/Teton Wildflowers. The manager at Red Rock Lakes NWR was kind enough to loan us some of his personal books. For the ones we haven’t identified we’ll take a cue from a friend of ours who simply refers to plants as “yellow stuff”, “red stuff”, “blue stuff” etc. Even the weeds are beautiful!

This is a time when pictures are worth a thousand words. Hope you enjoy seeing them as much as we did prowling through the fields to get the photos. If you enjoy this post, watch for another one about a Ranger led tour we will take the second week of July to the Gravelly Range Road. Even the locals call it spectacular.

wildflowers, Montana

Shooting Stars

White Mule's Ear

White Mule’s Ear












Sugar Bowl

Sugar Bowl











Blue Penstemon

Blue Penstemon











Mountain Goldenpea

Mountain Goldenpea


Willow Blossoms Blowing In The Wind

Willow Blossoms Blowing In The Wind









Sticky Geranium

Sticky Geranium







Meadow Death Camas

Meadow Death Camas












Blue Pussytoes

Blue Pussytoes









Yellow Paintbrush From Top

Yellow Paintbrush From Top









Long Plumed Avens aka Prairie Smoke

Long Plumed Avens aka Prairie Smoke























cactus, wildflower, Montana

Prickly Pear Cactus Blossom










Pink Lupine And Strawberry

Pink Lupine And Strawberry







Balsamroot Group

Balsamroot Group












Butterfly On Spurge