A Day At Norfolk Harbor

The USS Wisconsin

The USS Wisconsin

The saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” can often be true. Our tour of Norfolk Harbor, visit to Nauticus and climbing aboard The Wisconsin seemed to be just such a time. Steve has made a video of our visit complete with music and voice over. I think he did a wonderful job but then I’m not an impartial judge. If you enjoy it, please let him know.  I had a bit of a brain hic-cup while doing the narration.  I believe my Dad’s ship number was 672, not 673 as I say in the video.  There are some nice pictures here of ships and such in the harbor, and a good bit of naval history, as well as some ships that have been in the news in the last few years. It runs for about twenty-five minutes, so don’t start unless you have the time to see it all.  Turn up your volume, sit back, and enjoy…  (Steve)

To view in full screen click on the diagonal arrow at the right hand lower corner of the video box.